From the Director

The psychology of crime is a fascinating topic. Individual crime has surely existed longer than human society, but I suspect organised crime was born on the same day. Criminals have transformed and transformed again, adapting out of necessity, but have always built their enterprise upon the same foundation: deception. What would crime look like in a world where deception was impossible? What would society’s prospective lawbreakers give to reclaim that ability? “Neuroplastic” takes place in such a world, and tells the story of a hacker’s twisting descent into a criminal underworld that now trades on the currency of lies. But how can anyone trust a merchant of deception?

If a film is a complete musical album of emotion, then I believe a short film should capture a single track. I knew that music would form the core of “Neuroplastic” and set out to craft an auditory story that would carry the audience through from the opening shot to the closing credits. I also believe a short film needs to outlive its limited screen time – more so than a feature. An incredible amount of detail and backstory is buried inside – almost assuredly more than a single pair of eyes can uncover in one sitting. It’s my hope that people will walk away with something to think about, something to discuss, and perhaps even something to draw them back into the grim world our incredible cast and crew have painted.

— Scott Mooney, February 2017
